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Regardless of each child's development, we believe that learning is gradual and cumulative. If there's a way to develop in them a love to a life long journey of learning, there would be no better way to do it than through play.  Learning is positive, natural and fun!  Hence, our approach is active participatory learning to fuel their curiosity and promote their independence.


Our daily routine provides a balanced variety of experiences. Children are engaged in both individual and social play. Assist with clean up, socialize during meals, develop self care skills and exercise their small and large muscles. Some parts of the routine are structured or planned by adults.  Other parts of the routine are letting the children make choices.  They are free to choose what activity or toys to work with.


 See links:  Daily Schedule


Twinkle Star is a Christian based Preschool.  "Little Hands to Heaven" by Carrie Austin, M. Ed. is the curriculum we use for our preschool.  It includes letter recognition and formation, letter sounds with corresponding motions, beginning math skills, Bible activities, devotional topics, art projects, dramatic play, active exploration/science, finger plays, and music.







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